I’m New

front of holy cross lutheran church dallas

Welcome! Thank you for considering a visit to Holy Cross. We’ve collected some helpful info for you below, and please feel free to contact us if we can help with any other questions!


Arabic | Saturdays | 12:00 PM

English | Sundays | 9:30 AM

Spanish | Sundays | 11:30 AM

Swahili | Sundays | 4:00 PM

We offer adult Bible classes before and after our English worship service. Click here to learn more about our current classes. 


Sunday morning childcare for ages 0-12 is available through our partnership with Dallas Daycare Academy. Parents and guardians can bring their children to our Family Room, where caring teachers will have activities prepared especially for them. The Family Room is across the lobby from the sanctuary doors. 

Sundays | 9:30 AM-12:30 PM | Family Room

Directions & Parking

Click the map at left for help finding our address. Feel free to park in either of our two parking lots facing Marsh Lane!

Church Online

We believe that community and discipleship happen best in person, but we also livestream our English service to support homebound members and others who may need an alternative way to stay connected. Join us online on our livestream page or on Facebook

A Note from Pastor Tom Zucconi

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and learn more about some of the static things like parking! So, what else do you need to know about Holy Cross? 

First, know that HC is, in some ways, a casual church.  Though we offer traditional, liturgical worship, attendees come comfortably dressed—no pretentiousness allowed. We are not irreverent but do seek to emphasize relationships over rigidity or conformity.

Second, we are sinners. Most of us will be friendly but there might be a grump or two around. Best to avoid those! In all seriousness, our goal is to make our guests feel just as welcomed as long-time members or attenders.  We won’t bug you—promise—but we do want you to feel at home. We’re excited to have been rescued by Jesus and we want others to know this. 

Lastly, you can always reach out to us for answers to any questions you have about our beliefs and practice, programs and events, our local ministry partners, the missions we support—whatever you think we can help with. We’ll do our best to provide you with an answer! 

For the most current information, please join our weekly e-newsletter sent every Thursday afternoon.

Holy Week Services at Holy Cross Lutheran Church